School Curriculum

At Deptford Park, we provide a broad and exciting curriculum set within the context of the National Curriculum. We promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of all our children preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Most subject areas are usually taught by the class teacher but we provide specialist teaching for some subjects.

A variety of practical activities are provided to enable children to fully grasp the abstract concepts that are put before them. Investigational work is also a very high priority. We are committed to the belief that your child is able to become a competent and confident learner.

Information Technology is an integral part of our all our teaching. All children have access to a computer suite for lessons in IT. The classrooms also have other IT equipment to support, consolidate and extend the use of the computers e.g. Valiant Roamers and Interactive Whiteboards.

Your child will also learn about a range of other national curriculum subjects including geography, history, art and design, physical education, design and technology, PHSE, religious education, music and French. Some of these areas are taught as separate subjects but your child will also learn about them in a cross curricular way. This approach allows children to make connections between subjects and also makes the learning more fun and relevant.

We provide a wide range of after-school activities to develop interests and aptitudes. Children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Specialist teaching using the new Arts Block enhance their learning experiences in dance, art and music. There are also gifted and talented groups for identified children and booster classes are offered to children in small groups to accelerate their progress. There are a range of trips and visits including museums, theatres and sports competitions.

You will be encouraged to support your child with the curriculum at home. The extent and type of homework will depend on your child’s age and ability.

We offer a balanced, fun, relevant and challenging curriculum at Deptford Park which is inclusive and accessible to all children whatever their ability or interest.

Our vibrant curriculum

Deptford Park Primary School is a learning community. We view our school as a place to think, investigate, and help each other as well as a goo…


Our vision for teaching English at Deptford Park Primary School (DPPS) is to enable all children to become fully literate, with good understanding and comprehension. We aim to develop a love of books and high-quality literature, encompassing diverse and multicultural literacy texts and media, that will not only support their learning across the curriculum but also extend beyond the classroom environment into the wider world.


Our vision for the teaching and learning of Mathematics at Deptford Park Primary School is underpinned by the principles of ‘mastery’.




Headteacher Leona Baffour

Deptford Park Primary School
Evelyn Street
London SE8 5RJ

020 8692 4351